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samuel beckett中文是什么意思

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  • 萨谬尔
  • 塞缪尔贝克特


  • On samuel beckett ' s art of absurdity
  • The works of samuel beckett and the features of the theatre of absurd
  • Nobel : literature : samuel beckett
  • “ the light gleams an instant , then it ' s night once more ” ( samuel beckett )
    “光亮闪了一会儿,然后马上又变成了黑夜” (塞缪尔?贝克特) 。
  • S . e . gontarski , " the intent of undoing in samuel beckett ' s art " , in modern fiction studies 29 ( no . 1983 ) , p . 15 , p . 10
    塞?贝克特等: <普鲁斯特论> ,沈睿、黄伟等译,社会科学文献出版社1999年版, 50页
  • Another dublin exile in paris , samuel beckett 19061989 wrote in a minimalist vein , often in french
    巴黎的另一个都柏林流亡者,塞廖尔贝克特( samuel beckett , 1906 - 1989 ) ,经常用法语按极简风格写作。
  • The most original playwright of the theater of absurd is samuel beckett , who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien , decaying world . he first play , waiting fro godot
  • As a small country , we have been privileged to have four winners of the nobel prize for literature - william butler yeats , george bernard shaw , samuel beckett and seamus heaney
  • The national library of ireland has described as a " major boost for irish scholars " its acquisition of an extensive collection of 800 printed and other items by and about samuel beckett
    爱尔兰国家图书馆把其获得的800件属于或关于萨缪尔?贝克特的印刷品和其他物品描述成是“对爱尔兰学者的极大鼓舞” 。
  • The paper analyses different forms of narrative embedding in two absurdist plays , i . e . , samuel beckett ' s krapp ' s last tape and edward albee ' s the zoo story , in an attempt to show the poetic characteristic of this narrative strategy in application to the two plays
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